This going to fucking far.
admin and mods , with no skills just on and gives jail/ban/kick when thay get killed on thays another account, and lure all that ''he/she'' did sumthing,
I Telled ''Rangd 73'' Have a DDS
and WTF did you fucking get Overload?
i said DDS not overload. shit.
kk lemme say
DDP++=DRagon Dager P+++
ags= armadyl Godsworld
bgs=bandos godsworld
Zgs= zamorak Godsword,
Sgs= saradomin Godsworld,
''please get a better host'' [its off almost 24/7 } its a gr8 server for be that, get a Host? ,
and 2. Get Better admins/mods That BANNS/KICK/MUTE/JAIL IF thay break Rules
i've seen peeps been on MORE then Bob/cuz/kingofme/admin H Dz (w/e) im a legend,
those i havent seen so much
(thugg going around , but hes more online then thay anothers.)
i think those mods admins , dont got really any exp,
''bann for nothing and that''
please make a app, and thay say the skilkls thay have and that, thanks for me,